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I’m 60+; Do I Need Life Insurance?

Well, it’s official: we're all getting older. We may have thought we were invincible in our youth, but the reality is that we're all going to kick...

Why Do I Keep Breaking My New Year's Resolutions?

The concept of New Year's resolutions dates back to ancient times. The ancient Babylonians are credited with being the first to make New Year's...

Closing Out the Year with a Smile!

It was Pope George XIII that declared New Year’s Day an official day of celebration in 1582. Early festivities included yelling, hollering, and...

How to Enjoy a Long Layover

For many travelers, the last thing they want to endure is a long layover before continuing to their next destination. But with a bit of planning...

6 Cold Weather Safety Tips

It's that time of year again - the cold weather is here! Unfortunately, though cold weather offers many fun seasonal activities, it can also be...

10 Tips for Managing Cholesterol Levels

Have you been told you need to manage your cholesterol levels? If so, you're not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), almost...

How Much Life Insurance Do You Need Right Now?

You know that you need life insurance, but are you sitting in front of your computer wondering how much you need? If so, you're not alone. There...

3 Top Tips for Better Posture

Proper posture is a must for people of all ages. The benefits of good posture are well documented and include increased confidence, easier...

Building Bone Density for Seniors

Healthy and strong bones serve two essential purposes. First, they support our bodies so we can walk, move, and perform all the wonderful...

Living Outside Your Comfort Zone in Retirement

For many people, retirement is a time to relax and take it easy. But for others, it's an opportunity to start living outside their comfort zone....

Should You Insure Your Gifts?

Gifts are special, as they can mean so much to the person receiving them. But what if something goes wrong with the present? It can be an...

7 Benefits of Slow Travel

Slow travel means different things to different people. However, it is an alternate approach to what most travelers strive to accomplish during a...

Utilizing Medicare Preventative Services

According to a recent study, two-thirds of beneficiaries are underutilizing Medicare’s preventative services. Are you one of them? Before 2011,...

The Harsh Reality of Credit Card Fees

Credit card fees are a fact of life, and unless you're planning on never using your cards, you'll have to accept them. But the reality of credit...

Keeping Your Health Insurance Affordable

The cost of medical care continues to increase at a rapid pace. Learning how to manage your out-of-pocket healthcare costs is essential. One of the...

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